Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church
*Tarrant County’s First African-American Catholic Church.
Office Hours:
Wednesday and Thursday- 8 AM -5 PM, Friday- 10 AM – 1 PM
Mass Times:
Weekdays- — -7:00am
Saturday Mass- — 5:00pm
Sunday Mass – — 10:00am
Wednesday – 5:00-7:00pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 6:15am-6:55am
Monday, Wednesday, Friday-7:35am-8:00am
Our Mother Of Mercy
1001 East Terrell Avenue Fort Worth, TX 76104
Welcome to the internet home of Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church. We, the parishioners, are honored by your visit and welcome you to our Parish.
It is our sincere hope that you are blessed by your visit and be moved to fellowship with us day after day. We invite you to become a part of this vibrant, diverse, and growing Catholic Community.
At Our Mother of Mercy, we share a holistic approach to Christian living and strive to deepen our faith, while spiritually enriching our diverse community. We look forward to celebrating with you!
Help us reach our goal!
Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church has been dedicated to providing a house of worship in the Fort Worth Community for over 90 years! Help us continue to the do the work and donate today!